Our Online Shopping Carts Let You Create Gift Certificates For Your Customers
Your Customers
Gift certificates are an important sales tool. DesignCart’s online shopping carts have the ability for you customers to purchase gift certificates. This is allows your customers to get gift certificates for theirs friends or family and is especially useful around Christmas time, weddings and family events.”
How to create single gift certificate:
- In Cart Administration, click 'Gift Certificates' under
'Extra Features'.
- Click 'Create a new gift certificate'.
- Type in a 'Gift Certificate ID'. This can be any
combination of numbers and letters. It is what the customer
you give the certificate to will use to redeem it.
- Put in the amount the gift certificate is valid for. This
is a dollar amount.
- Select an expiration date.
- Check the box if you don't want the gift certificate to be
valid yet. You will need to uncheck this when you want it to
start being valid.
- Mail the Gift Certificate ID to the customer you created
it for.
How to make a button that will allow your customers to
purchase gift certificates:
- In Cart Administration go to '"Add Cart" Code'
under 'Button Builders'.
- Give it a description, such as 'Gift Certificate'.
- Give it a price. This will be the value the gift
certificate can be redeemed for.
- In the 'Exempt' field, chose the option that says 'Gift
Certificate' in it. This is what tells our system that the
item being purchased is a gift certificate.
- Fill out any other fields you desire.
- Click 'Create Add To Cart Code'.
- Put the button on your site as you would any other product
- Now when customers buy that product, the cart will
automatically generate Gift Certificate IDs for them.
You also need to have a way to allow customers to add gift
certificates to the cart. Here is the easiest way to do this:
- In Cart Administration, go to step 8: Advanced Settings.
- Click the box that says 'Allow gift certificates to be
added from view cart'.
- Click 'save'.
Keep in mind that you only have 10 gift certificates available
for free. To purchase more please contact us for pricing.